Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Thursday 22 March 2012

Odd people!

People watching in NY is addictive. There are a tremendous amount of weirdos.

Fully grown adults on micro scooters, People walking there cats, lots of people talking to themselves, people looking through bins, people collecting bottles/cans (although we have now realised that if you take a bottle to a drug store you get 5cents), people stretching out on the pavement (literally yoga), people changing clothes in public, people eating food off the floor, etc etc...

Down in Hudson river park today, there were two old folks, who had bought there deckchairs (very british looking camp chairs!) to sit and enjoy the sun, fair enough you'd think....but right next to them was the full on Highway, Riverside Parkway, similar to the M1... completely content they sat there all afternoon, unperturbed by the constant flow of traffic...they could have chosen anywhere in the park thats not by the road but no...!

What we also find weird, is the kids that never seem to be in school...in the UK its obvious when its half term...here not so much...! Either there are a lot of tourist kids, hanging around the Upper west side, or lots of truants, or school is only some days during the week, or random hours who knows.
Then of course there are the millions of Nannies and Opares that look after the the cities children...never do you see a baby in a pram look anything like the lady pushing it, to be honest I think this is quite sad, obviously people need childcare, but you see these children everywhere with there nannies, all weekend, in the evenings, at the park, at the supermarket, on there way to school, you do wonder what the parents actually do...!

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