Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Sunday 22 January 2012

Tremaine Dance Convention and Competition

If you are a dancer, your Facebook will be littered with Youtube videos of amazing routines from young american kids...if you're not a dancer these videos definitely won't be popping up on your news feed!

Routines, such as this...

or this...

And most amazingly this...

cause uproar and applause between dancers worldwide. This is the talent, this is the drive, this is normal for dance training kids in the U.S. 

A program called Dance Moms (controversially following one of the best dance schools in America and there gruelling schedule yet allowing us to watch the supreme talent of the kids that win national titles, aged 8 with multiple turns every time) has really made me and Sam step up our game with teaching when we get back home. So yesterday we went to the Tremaine Dance Competition and Convention at the Grand Hyatt Hotel New York thanks you our friend Josh who works for them and got us free unlimited access wristbands. 

There was so much razzle dazzle and glitz&glam at this convention. Classes all day (registration 7am) with renowned teachers and them from 4.30pm their competition, solos, duets, trios and groups, all competing for the coveted Highest Overall Score 4ft trophy!! Parents teachers and pupils turn up the night before complete with costume rails and make up trunks, and take over the hotel for the whole weekend.

The kids from 6years, look a million dollars, even when there in class, impressing the teachers for the Scholarships to future conventions, who has the most impressive booty short and crop top combo, who's hair is the best, all make those kids look like they mean business even if they're technique is not up to scratch. There are three groups, Junior 6-9years, Teen 10-13years, Senior 13+, and they then compete in these age groups later in the competition.

The competition, Wow, so yes not every kid is the Britanny Hine and not every group is the Dance Presicions...but each kid, whether they can do 20turns or they cant looked immaculate and every kid...even the ones at the back of the group...was performing 200%... never have I seen so many smiling (not fake) performance faces. They look OTT in the videos but wait till you see them up close! Intense performance from every kid involved.

A very entertaining, eyeopening day, (although to be honest my eyes weren't exactly shut)!

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