Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ash Wednesday!

T'was a beautiful day in New York, sun shining, the chill in the air disappearing into spring and an early start for Rosina with a masterclass...everyone seemed happy in the sunshine getting to the subway, but Rosina couldn't help notice the few people with what looked like dirt all over there foreheads, accustomed to weirdo's in NY nothing really bothered her...continuing into the Masterclass, a new guy that she hadn't met, had what looked like the biggest mole on his forehead ever...she then changed studios and walked up town to Steps, another group of people with this dirt on their heads, and then a group of women offering ash outside a church...only then did it click that this must be a Ash Wednesday tradition.

Call me ignorant, but I have never seen this before. I understand the scriptures for these iconic days but have never seen people walk around all day doing there normal business with these sooty smudges over there faces outside of the churches! I am assuming due to NYs strong catholic influence, I haven't come across this due to my denomination, although still don't think i've seen many Londoners doing this!

Only in New York!

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