Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lack of blogs...!

Apologies to our readers for the lack of blogs recently in the last week!

A million and one things are on our list to do, not just for us here, but the show at home and also looking into the future for the move back! House hunting in the UK....Thank goodness for the internet! Sending CV's and what nots to employers, sorting our itineraries for vegas and LA as well as living our normal life here in NY, with lots of guest lecturer classes and going to other studios, plus a lot of peoples programs are ending so Goodbye gatherings and of course plans for Sam's birthday tomorrow!

This however does not mean we haven't been out and exploring as usual!

Saturday: We headed around 5th ave and central park as it was a nice day.
Sunday : We went running and then to two classes and then attempted to go food shopping but it was completely the wrong time and the queue was out the door! We went to our local shop this week, less queues but a little less choice!

Monday: back into BDC for a 3rd but last card pick up!
Tuesday: more classes at BDC and then a farewell meal to our lovely Swedish friend Nicole!

Today: its off to Steps, then BDC then prepare for Mr's birthday celebrations tomorrow! Thankyou for the ton of cards that have been sent out!

Friday 24 February 2012

A casual day at the office for Rosina

One thing about being in the profession is that your pictures are you initial meeting for a prospective employer. So being in New York Rosina took the opportunity to have some new pictures done for the price of some lunch. (It's good to have friends in the right places, thanks Suwan!)

Here are some of my favourites from the hundreds that were taken.....

TGI Friday!

A whole week of wonderful weather spurred us on to take Friday day off and take class in the evening...of course the day we are not cooped up in a sweat ridden studio...It rains, and when it rains in New York it pours.

Our plans were slightly dampened as we'd planned to wander around the northern tip of central park in the sunshine...but we ended up having a good day all the same.

We started off at The Museum of City of New York, with its wonderful exhibitions on the history of new york, the history of its name (which was of course bought over by the English), an excellent exhibition detailing the process of the 'Grid' system, the Steinman Dollhouse and a large group of photos showing the NYPD at its finest.

We then, walked fast, due to the hissing rain down Lexington in the 90's and grabbed some lunch from a lovely french restaurant. Ate and stayed there for a while, catching up on some emails and looking at some estate agents in the UK.

Continuing down Lexington, as we never really head to the upper East side, its awkward to get it on our subway lines, so there were a few places we hadn't yet got too.

Shakespeare books, and then Dylans Candy Bar...

Dylans candy bar isn't any ordinary sweet shop....the owners, was inspired to create the store, which is asserted to be the "largest unique candy store in the world", by the Roald Dahl story of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

The plan was to finish the day with a ballet class and jazz class, however after our 'fun-du', fondues were the last thing we felt like doing! We changed plans moved the classes to Sunday, and opposite bloomingdales, decided to browse, then head home and watch a movie, as it was still pouring with rain!

Thursday 23 February 2012

A blast from the past!

Sesame street were filming today at BDC, an episode where 'Zoe' attended a ballet class!

At first we just noticed the teeny weeny dancers arriving, then there she was practising her tendu's at the barre!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ash Wednesday!

T'was a beautiful day in New York, sun shining, the chill in the air disappearing into spring and an early start for Rosina with a masterclass...everyone seemed happy in the sunshine getting to the subway, but Rosina couldn't help notice the few people with what looked like dirt all over there foreheads, accustomed to weirdo's in NY nothing really bothered her...continuing into the Masterclass, a new guy that she hadn't met, had what looked like the biggest mole on his forehead ever...she then changed studios and walked up town to Steps, another group of people with this dirt on their heads, and then a group of women offering ash outside a church...only then did it click that this must be a Ash Wednesday tradition.

Call me ignorant, but I have never seen this before. I understand the scriptures for these iconic days but have never seen people walk around all day doing there normal business with these sooty smudges over there faces outside of the churches! I am assuming due to NYs strong catholic influence, I haven't come across this due to my denomination, although still don't think i've seen many Londoners doing this!

Only in New York!

Four of the biggest teachers in the world...

So this week and next, BDC have been lucky enough to secure classes with some of the biggest names in the dance world...mainly from LA, these are the people that we all goggle at on youtube and polute our facebook news feeds...people 'us lot' drop into daily conversation, people 'normal' people don't even know! Of course we are first in line for all these classes...only in New York!

Check some inspiration out below,

Teddy Forance

Chaz Buzan

Sonya Tayeh (Coming from London after choreographing Florence and the Machine at the Brits!)

Gina Starbuck (we took this earlier on in our trip, but this time she's doing Jazz Funk!)

An English Breakfast with our Swed's

Yesterday, we were invited to our favourite Swedish's house for breakfast, and as promised we created a token English Breakfast, Sausages, Eggs, bacon, mushrooms, fried bread and the nearest thing to baked beans we could find...which were ultimately quite nice!

Pictures to come soon!

It was only after logging into Facebook and seeing everyone's status' about Pancake day did we realise it was Shrove Tuesday... but I guess at least we celebrated something from our culture with the Fry-up...as everyday here is pancake day!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Performance project.

Each couple of months, the program students at BDC get a chance to create pieces for a showcase known as the Performance Project. Everyone then comes and watches, packed out in studio 5 and is truely entertained by some of the most amazing and versatile dancers in the world.

Tap, bollywood, hiphop, improvisation, singing, contemporary, jazz, waacking, house, waving, ballet, solos, duets, groups, you name it....it was in the show!

Sam and I created a piece that was a secret right up until the very end,

  Not many people know this, but when Rosina came to BDC, Commercial/HipHop completely scared her. For our first week assessments, she stayed up all night attempting to perfect the HipHop assessment and before doing it cried as she felt she just couldn't do it. 
With thanks to all our amazing friends, from the beginnings of ghetto with Malcolm, encouragement in lessons from the greatest hip hop dancers Maria and Magda, classes from amazing teachers like Autumn, Luam, Neil and Jared and from moral support from Ali at the back of La Jon...Rosina changed her concentration at christmas to hip hop, walks confidently into Hiphop classes and 'weeerks'!
Last night we did our peformance project at BDC, everyone expected us to do a contemporary duet...a fused hiphop it was with waacking and house too... 6months ago Rosina wouldnt have stood up in front of me and done commercial...last night she stood up in front of everyone and some of the greatest hiphop dancers in the world and killed it!

We were also involved in a contemporary piece which we will get a video of asap and Sam was part of a musical theatre piece from Dreamgirls.

Our favourite pieces from the show were;
Rhythm of War Drum's - contemporary by Chri Stuewe
A Letter to Whitney- Singing by Pasqulino
The Waacking piece - by Madeline
And Ali's solo.

The atmosphere at the studio was great, we were there at 8.45am for a tech and rehearsal and then had normal classes all day , warmed up and it was show time. The 8am rehearsals all paid off and the show was brilliant. 

Our wonderful friend, Malcolm, (and Stuewe and Kyle) all won the Outstanding Student award, congratualitons boys, very well deserved!


14 HOURS at the studio....the pre-show treat had to be this, Holy Creme, Donut and Ice cream heartattack.

Following these steps we came up with these treats...only in New York!

Danielle's rocking the Vanilla iced donut, with birthday cake icecream, cheesecake icecream and oreo ice cream topped with M&M's.

Rosina's was colour co-ordinated, Pink Sprinkles on vanilla iced donut, Chocolate ice cream, milky way icecream and cookies and creme ice cream!

Sam's looks like carnage, Chocolate iced donut, midnight cookies and creme icecream, birthday cake icecream and milky way icecream, topped with broken up snickers!

A sugar high was perfect just before the show!

The Reel!

So Rosina, as a choreographer and dancer felt she needed a reel, especially as she is hoping to extend her teaching and choreography to different people.

She booked a studio down in Battery Park, found a piece of music and danced, for just one hour to get as much footage as she could to blend.

New York has made such a difference, this is only a tiny snippet of everything she can do :)

Lets go to Paris...

On the corner of 5th and 58th street, right opposite The Plaza hotel...New Yorkers can go to Paris.

Well , 'the Paris' ...its a private run cinema which shows one film at a time, we went the other night after class (hence the sweatpants!) with Mary and saw The Artist.

Having never seen a silent movie before, it was an experience, but a great one, Uggie the dog stole the show and we think everyone should go and see it!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Valentines Day!

February 14th! What a great excuse to buy each other gifts and do something different!

As we can't fit anything else in our suitcases, it was best to get each other edible gifts...and I think we did well on the sugar front...cupcakes and popcorn for Sam, chocolates for Rosina!

We opened these at stupid a'clock as we had a all programs meeting (had to introduce ourselves to all the new students) at 9am...but then headed home, I had to send a package to Ella so I met Sam at home...arrived back to a dozen..

...chocolate strawberries! From Edible Arrangements!

We then caught up with some chores , as we'd chosen to take the day away from the studio and went for a nice long walk along the Hudson River...Spring is coming!

We had made reservations at our local Japanese restaurant (cheap but so tasty!) and headed there for our Valentines meal... the `Salmon Teriyaki was amazing!

Rosina had decided to book something that I had never done before (but she's done a lot!)...going up to the top of one of the iconic skyscrapers! So there are two choices The Rockefeller Centre or Empire State Building...from experience The Rock is way better and you get to appreciate the Empire state rather than being on it, or so Rosina said and yes indeed, as usual, she was right. The view was amazing. 

First we had Ice cream watching the Ice skaters as our reservation wasn't until later...

Then, we headed up into the Rock! Iconic as a complex created in the thirties by Billionaire Rockefeller this 850ft tall building , helped create many jobs in the Great Depression and enabled a lot of workers to keep in work. Although numbers of fatalities from this enormous project (health and safety was pretty non-existant then!!) the celebrated picture in nearly every office of the men eating there lunch on the 69th floor beam is magnificent!!!

(There is however some skeptic about this photograph, read it at the end of this blog!)

Rosina has only been up these buildings in daylight, but nightime was just as amazing. The Lights of New York definitely do shine brightly! You can see major points of interest, 1World Trade Centre, Empire State, Chrysler, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Time Warner building, 5th Ave, which stand out in the sea of lights! It was quite breezy on the 70th floor observation deck, but not too cold we got there about 30mins before the rain, so perfect timing!

Enjoy the view!

Scandal of the 'Lunch a-top of a Skyscraper' picture and other stomach churning photos!

These photos would seem almost suicidal, with a leg hanging off of the beam, it would be very easy to lose one’s balance.    However, there are also some things that these photos reveal that are not so obvious in the most famous version.   First, this is not a single beam, but rather a double-beam that would offer greater area to sit on and walk across.   It also would mean that the men could more easily get up from a sitting position.   The beam is very close to another beam and in the first photo, a wood plank can be seen as a means to walk off the beam.

However, a full uncropped version of the photograph provides even more evidence that things may not have been as dangerous as they at first seem.   Here it has been colorized to make the evidence more obvious:

Clearly there are beams bellow these men and there are also planks of wood making a floor for the workers to stand on during construction.    The beams appear to be sitting on top of the planks, perhaps set there before being used to construct the rest of the building.  This would have been a fairly common practice of the time.   However, the perspective of the photographer makes it difficult, if not impossible, to tell if the beams actually extend beyond where the men sit.   Clearly the beams do come to an end.   This is likely the exterior wall of the building.
This, however, is where the structure of the building comes into play.   The top floors of the building have several roof levels, with only the center section of the building extending all the way to the highest point.   These are known as “set backs” as shown in this image.

There is some confusion over how floors and levels are denoted on this kind of structure.   If a setback is used as an observation deck then it may be refered to by the floor number that one would exit to go onto the deck, but the roofs of setbacks may also be refereed to by the floor that they are above. In the above diagram, the levels are noted by the floor level under them – the floor to which they are the roof.
There is also some conflict as to what exactly the “69th floor” means in the context of the construction of the building.   However, based on the images and information about the photographs, it appears that the men were sitting on what would become the floor level of the 69th floor (as opposed to the ceiling level).   This would put them one story above the 68th floor base level, which is only slightly above the 67th floor roof.   It appears that the photographer was standing on a perch above the workers, thus putting him on the seventieth floor base level.
If this is the case, the men are not really in as dangerous a perch as it would seem, but are just a single story above a solid floor and more than ten feet from the edge of the building.  Other photographs taken 
around the same time appear to indicate that this is likely the case.


It's definitely not the first  photographer who used perspective or shooting location to make a photo more dramatic....creating Arts!

Sunday 12 February 2012

We miss our washing machine!!

Twice a week, although I wish we had time for more, our bathroom turns into a soggy laundry...

Apartments unless you're the UPPER class don't have washing machines, the launderette is too annoying and time wasting to go to every time we have dirty dance clothes, 2 or 3 tops a day...so instead, either Sam or myself become Widow Twanky and scrub scrub scrub....major respect for those people back in the day/now that wash clothes by hand...its not an enviable, enjoyable or even that effective task.

We miss our washing machine, and a line to hang clothes out on. 

No 1 hotspot to visit in NYC

Our favourite 'newly found, not documented too much in guidebooks' place in New York has to be Chelsea Market, 9th Avenue btwn 15th & 16th.

An old biscuit warehouse, is more than a glorified food court. Food, flowers, kitchen supplies and dining occupy the ground-level space, while offices occupy the upper floors.The Market offers a great selection of local merchants and a wide rang of specialty foods, clothes and gifts in one INDOOR stop! You can buy, books, cupcakes, cheesecake, ciabatta, lobsters, vintage clothes, soup, cookies, gelato, nuts, chocolate, market baskets, jam, jewellery, kitchen wear, alligators, more chocolate, coffee, oysters, champagne, fish....'wait did you say alligators?'

YES I DID. There february exhibition was in connection to the TV Show swamp people, they had turned the exhbition space inside into a Alligator habitat...and yes real live alligators and free cajun food.


If you are planning a trip to NY, a perfect afternoon out:
'Stroll along the Highline from 23rd street, leaving at 17th street to visit Chelsea piers for some Lunch, wander on down Hudson St through the West Village and Meatpacking District strolling east, along Bleecker Street, buying a cupcake from Magnolia Bakery and eating it at Washington Sq Park!'