Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Friday 30 December 2011


Today we visited SoHo, (properly as it wasn't raining!)

''SoHo is a neighborhood in Lower ManhattanNew York City, notable for being the location of many artists' lofts and art galleries, and also, more recently, for the wide variety of stores and shops ranging from trendy boutiques to outlets of upscale national and international chain stores.The name SoHo refers to the area being "SOuth of HOuston (Street)". This naming convention has become a model for the names of new and emerging neighborhoods in New York such as NoHo, for "NOrth of HOuston Street", TriBeCa ("TRIangle BElow CAnal Street"), Nolita ("NOrth of Little ITAly"), NoMad ("NOrth of MADison Square"), and DUMBO ("Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass").''

We had received some vouchers for Christmas and some spending money so today we thought we would venture into a district that we hadn't been to this trip and get stuck in with a little sales shopping!
We 'looked' in the designer store  in the smaller back streets and then ended up on the main shopping section with all the more affordable shops and imported British Brands!

Popped into Sephora, HEAVEN if you like makeup/skin care, 250 brands under one roof, once upon a time there was one of these stores in Midsummer place in MK, on the corner where Superdry is now and before the tree died! Thanks Alun!

Visited Topshop/Topman and gave a sigh of relief finding a couple nice sale items and nice English fashions and sizes (with GBP prices!)

Visited Victoria Secret, buy one get one 50% off...the bargains were getting better!!

But bargain of the day was to be found at Macy's, a shop that is usually hell to find anything due to the amount of people and the USA's lack of visual merchandisers! (A pet hate for both me and Sam having worked in retail and Selfridges!). A Michael Kors iPad case on sale for $38, we got one for Miss Myra too and will be sending it home tomorrow...but that is not all...for everyone thats planning on visiting NY, make sure to play up the British Accent when in Macy's you get 10% discount as an 'International Visitor'! 


Since unpacking and getting settled back into our apartment we've managed to accumulate lots of treats, from gifts and english christmas requests e.g. mince pies and christmas pudding! We definitely won't need to buy any sugar for a long while... Thanks everyone for sending them over.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Christmas Catch up!

23rd December:

- Sam and I go see 'Arthur Christmas' at 11am to pass the time awaiting our parents arrival in NY. There flight was slightly delayed and arrived at the Novotel Times Square at about 4pm.

-We head up to our Rooms, on the 27th floor, and unpack setting up our christmas tree to Michael Buble's xmas album with Times Square looming out the window....

- Walked through TimesSquare popping in some shops, and ended up on 42nd street at  BBQ's for a very American dinner, plates piled high, to refuel everyone after the long flight, cocktails and beer too...

24th December, Xmas Eve:

- Headed up to the Upper West Side to see our apartment then onto breakfast at our local diner.

-Rode the subway to Columbus circle, walking down Central Park south looking at the xmas lights and popping in some shops, then down 5th Avenue...stopping off at the Rockefeller tree...

-Went down to Bryant Park to do some Iceskating...

-Onto Grand Central to look at the Christmas Markets and then the subway back to Times Square to get ready for our Christmas Eve dinner at Don't Tell Mama, on Restaurant Row!

-Finishing up just before Santa arrived in the attached Piano bar with live singers!

December 25th- Christmas Day:

-Sam and I, still kids at heart, gave stockings to each other.

-then joined our parents downstairs in the Hotel restaurant for Christmas breakfast
-On returning back to the room, Santa had been and we opened our presents, thank-you to all the pupils that sent over cards and presents, it was really nice to open then all from you!

- On Christmas afternoon Mum had booked tickets for us all to see the Radio City Christmas show with all the Rockettes, it was amazing! 

- In 3D too!

-I'm sure Mum was scouting some ideas for the show...all the movements and patterns were absolutely perfect! Complete with Santa's, toy soldiers, bears doing the nutcracker, a life size tour bus, iceskaters, fireworks and three camels, a donkey and some sheep in the living nativity!

-Heading back to the Hotel for Christmas dinner (A la Carte) with the best table in the house, the back drop of Times Square!

December 26th, Boxing Day: 

- Breakfast at Pigalle, followed by a walk around Central Park! We also got to chat to Ella on Skype and she showed us some of her new toys!

- Lunch at the Boat Basin Cafe, and a visit to Herald Square...yes you guessed it, yes we are mad, we entered Macy's on Boxing day....no words are suitable to describe the amount of people and lack of visibility! Rog' needed some Hershey's Dark Chocolate to bring him around!

- Dinner tonight was at The View, a revolving restaurant above the Marriott Hotel in Times Square! Glad we booked all these nice restaurants in advance as we would never have got in otherwise!

27th December- (the day the Rain hit!)

- For Christmas Sam bought his parents a bus tour around NY so they could see the sights, so they went on that while we showed my parents some places that they haven't seen before. First stop was the High Line in Chelsea where we 'hung' out for a bit!

- Visited Chelsea Markets, then we left Dad in Starbucks (with the NY Times and a Chai Latte!) whilst we browsed in SoHo,

- The photos stop there for this day...We went down to Ground Zero on the Subway and it began to rain...we ended up getting free tickets into the Memorial and began to queue, the rain got heavier and heavier as we stood in the hour long queue, luckily we had some umbrellas...by the time we got into the memorial it was windy too, we glanced at it for the whole of about 2minutes, then left attempting to get a taxi back to the hotel, finally grabbing one by pretending we were part of the Hilton Hotel! Meanwhile Sam's parents were dry-ish but steamed up inside a tour bus! Reservations were made for Gigino at Wagner Park which over looked the Statue of Liberty for tonight... a full on storm was happening now...we made it down to the tip of Manhattan but the gusts of wind were too strong and we couldn't actually get out the taxi, The Andrews', ended up being dropped at a Subway station and jumping the barriers as Sam had their tickets, whilst the Downing's taxied back to Times Square, all of us eventually meeting up at Appleby's for dinner...directly opposite the hotel. Memories of Rosina's first ever trip to NY in 2006 where it poured with rain for 4 whole days came 'flooding' (excuse the pun!) back!

December 28th- Departure Day!

- Packing everything back into the cases meant that we split up again for breakfast, but then all of us headed down to South Street Seaport for some final shopping and some lunch, crepes at the market went down a treat. We then had drinks over looking the Brooklyn Bridge!

-Just to say they had done it, we then walked down to South Ferry for Ann and Keith to see the Statue of Liberty then Subway-ed it all the up to the Hotel! Everyone got in a taxi to go their separate ways and the flight landed in the UK on time. Everyone is now at home, and most importantly Domino got his present :) (A dog biscuit in the shape of a NY Taxi, made by an organic Dog shop!)

Thursday 22 December 2011

Packing for out vacation in ...Midtown

We are going on vacation 30blocks away actually nearer to BDC (although we won't be there again until jan 2nd) Our parents will be arriving at 1.45pm our time tomorrow and we are meeting them at the Novotel Times Sq where we are staying for the week!

Today our first proper day off in a while has consisted of chores, cleaning the house for the parental viewing on Saturday, laundry and making mince pies Christmas biscuits, and decorating our $2 stockings!!! Of course also packing, which bought back horrible memories of the clothes that we had to leave behind (mostly Rosina!) and the four attempts of originally packing our stuff! Only one case this time, and then another of presents, the mini tree for the room and stuff that were sending back home!

I think we shall still be blogging this week but who knows, if not a Very Merry Christmas to all our readers xxxx

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Two very different, highly entertaining evenings!

Evening 1: Sherlock Holmes 2 at the Regal Cinema Times Square with Anni, Sam and Abbie. Absolutely brilliant movie, brilliant effect, Robert Downy Junior well just Wow, better than the first one. Can't wait to get it on DVD!

Night 2: New York City Ballet's Nutcracker at the Lincoln Centre with Sam. Front row balcony seats, amazing technique, massive stage and huge theatre, cute little 'Clara' now called Maria?! and a perfect Sugar Plum Fairy!

Sunday 18 December 2011

Candlelight Carol Festival

With temperatures dropping to -3 today it felt only right to go to a Carol Concert, a very large scale carol concert it was too! Rosina was brought up in a church that when you went to the carol concert you kept your coat on, you could see your breath as you sung and had to watch for Bat droppings on the pews, tonight we visited, seated on cushions, without coats or gloves, The Riverside Church, up on 120th St and looking out across the Hudson River! A very plush and reasonably new church 1922, the tallest in New York and the 24th tallest in the world housed its annual Candlelit Carol Festival complete with gospel choirs, children's choirs and Handbell ringers. Not forgetting the 1000 other congregation members in the Nave.

A highlight definitely was that each one of us was given a candle to hold during singing Silent Night, the church was plunged into darkness and 1000+ candles lit the room, a rare peaceful sight in NYC.

Ordinarily after a Carol Service one would greet the congregation and share Mulled wine and Mince Pies, but of course they don't have those here, so we went home and made our own!

Saturday 17 December 2011

A raving saturday night with Gary...

Gary...the cross dressing gingerbread man!
(alternatively known as Gina the Amish, because Sam wants to eat the arm first.)

Tonight as Twenty-somethings do in NYC we decorated a 99cent Giant Gingerbread man in a Bikini, flip flops, pedicure and hair garland.

Also visited Dylans Candy store for some inspiration!