Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Saturday 19 November 2011

At BDC!!

We realised today that although we have written nearly 100 blogposts...there are only 1 or 2 that are focussed on why we are in NYC...to dance!!!

Classes have been going really well, we take 12 classes a week plus a couple of extra each at either Peridance Capezio Studio, Alvin Ailey or Steps. Rosina's concentration is jazz and her mentor is Chris Hale (Contemporary lyrical teacher) she also loves taking hardcore Hiphop aswel as vocal class (something about the air here!). Other favourite classes are Michelle Barber, Luam (Beyonce's choreographer), Stavro and Powell (Ballet) and she keeps up her Yoga too! My concentration is Hiphop and my mentor is Jermaine Brown (Jazz Funk), I also taking waving twice a week and keeps up my contemporary taking Barber and Petronelli. (To see more about the extensive faculty at BDC check out...http://www.broadwaydancecenter.com/faculty/index.shtml )
As you can see from the website there is always guest teachers and substitute teachers as well as Masterclasses especially for the program students, not one week so far has been the same.

We have noticed here there is an intense focus on stretching and very fast picking up of choreography, nearly every single class has a long warmup with lot of stretching, releves and adage and teaches more than a two minutes choreography in a hourandhalf class. The mentality in classes is very different to what we have experienced before, other students are positive and complimentary, teachers have new and intricate ways of teaching and inspiring and the choreography is right on the forefront of fashions, especially with guest teachers from LA visiting a lot.

Waiting around in-between classes is always fun, a lot of the people that we made friends with on the first week are different concentrations or take different levels so there is always someone different to catch up with. The viewing windows into the studios allow the options to see different teachers before taking their classes.

Rehearsals for the next performance project are taking place in the early morning slots (8am-10.30am) as well as rehearsals for a cabaret which Rosina is in at the Mets Stadium in December take place in the late night slots 9pm-10.30pm), the Pro Semester students are coming to the end of their course (similar to Performers, Birds, London Studio centre) having mock auditions, agents in and rehearsals for their christmas showcase and there is a new set of ISVP students arriving on December 3rd...its definitely never boring! The people that started with us that are on 3month course are also nearing the last month of their time here, it will be really sad to see some of them who we spend a lot of time with leave, but some of them are continuing their training at other schools in NY so I'm sure that we will still keep in touch.

Alongside all the dancing Rosina is progressing well with Gymnastics, and I am running longer and longer (getting skinnier and skinnier!) in order to train up for a marathon!

Video footage and photos are not allowed in studios, but some teachers to take videos in classes and we have subscribed to all their youtube links in the hope that we may find some footage! In the mean time, below are some photos of our time at BDC, pretty much 70% of our time here, 5 days a week, sometimes a saturday morning or sunday afternoon too!

Sweaty after Michelle Barbers Class...i'm so jealous of Rosina's pack!
Musical Theatre Workshop

Class with Travis Wall (very popular class which was fully booked by 10.30am and started at 9pm!)

Chilling between classes

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