Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Thursday 29 September 2011

Two old ladies sitting under a brolly!

The events of today...

1. A run, Rosina (in new running trainers) hitting 2miles (whoop) and Sam of course doing about 5!

2. Strolling to Central park, and then around it, to get submerged within a sound check and rehearsal call of a massive concert, we think Black Eyed Peas, or one of those mixed bills.

3. Notice a rather large thunder cloud, engulfing Manhattan.

4. Bam, torrential rain and thunder, people running to shelter like it was raining acid!

5. Sam and I huddled under a small brolly on a bench by the boating lake...two old ladies doing exactly the same opposite for at least half hour!

6. Stroll, slightly dampened, up 5th Avenue, along to 7th, have a bagel and then onto Times Square (it had to be done, but we will be bypassing it on all future occasions!

7. Nipped home to get dance gear, and find post from England!:) Thanks Mum and Aunty Julie!

8. Met Dmitry at Union Sq (officially the most confusing place in NY, everything is EAST where is the West!??!?!?!)

9. Went to Peridance Capezio Centre and took Derek Mitchells lyrical jazz class, which was amazing, and we especially love ronds de jambe pique on releve in the centre as part of a warmup! (below is a link to A routine, we are not in the video, this isn't today!)

10. Popped in to Food Emporium for a cucumber for tonights dinner, and found the gem that is Iced Vanilla Chai tea .

Good day! BDC tomorrow for a meet and greet!!

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