Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday 27 September 2011


So the 'Jetlag' began to set in last night around 9.30pm, (2.30amGMT) after a hectic day we retired to bed, watched a bit of Sex and the City (off course) and nodded off.

With the constant nnnneeeooooommm of the Hudson River Parkway quite near us, we obviously missed the knocks on the door...we hear the door open, we see the lights come on and a faint latin American, 'hello?!'.

Bolt upright, Sam lept out of bed and responded to the Hello's....it was our Landlords assistant (personally I think Gay Lover, but that can be discussed another time!) asking to borrow the mattress for the sofa bed...I assume, not realising we were in!

Our landlord...we have never met...spoken on the phone, text and emailed but never met (I would much prefer that to a faffing, always there, landlord) and we have been informed that 'Eddy' would be round to meet us sometime this week.

Well he has now met one of us (I was still in bed at this time, chuckling) , Sam in just his Mickey Mouse boxers, and no glasses/contact lenses...he's quite blind so Eddy obviously thinks he has a personal space problem going up to about 10inches of his face to see him!
Sam gave him the mattress, he was now rather embarrassed and muttering Sorry constantly as he returned downstairs!

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