Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Thursday 29 September 2011

Two old ladies sitting under a brolly!

The events of today...

1. A run, Rosina (in new running trainers) hitting 2miles (whoop) and Sam of course doing about 5!

2. Strolling to Central park, and then around it, to get submerged within a sound check and rehearsal call of a massive concert, we think Black Eyed Peas, or one of those mixed bills.

3. Notice a rather large thunder cloud, engulfing Manhattan.

4. Bam, torrential rain and thunder, people running to shelter like it was raining acid!

5. Sam and I huddled under a small brolly on a bench by the boating lake...two old ladies doing exactly the same opposite for at least half hour!

6. Stroll, slightly dampened, up 5th Avenue, along to 7th, have a bagel and then onto Times Square (it had to be done, but we will be bypassing it on all future occasions!

7. Nipped home to get dance gear, and find post from England!:) Thanks Mum and Aunty Julie!

8. Met Dmitry at Union Sq (officially the most confusing place in NY, everything is EAST where is the West!??!?!?!)

9. Went to Peridance Capezio Centre and took Derek Mitchells lyrical jazz class, which was amazing, and we especially love ronds de jambe pique on releve in the centre as part of a warmup! (below is a link to A routine, we are not in the video, this isn't today!)

10. Popped in to Food Emporium for a cucumber for tonights dinner, and found the gem that is Iced Vanilla Chai tea .

Good day! BDC tomorrow for a meet and greet!!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Kinisi USA love

After a busy day of touristy things, China Town, Little Italy, Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty Ferry, Union Sq etc as well as purchases of new running shoes, some post cards and a special gift we had an evening of FOOD and wine (compliments of 'U.S.A') with some of our London friends who are currently in NY. Mary (who lives here now) and Dmitry who's just visiting. It was so lovely to see familiar faces within a city of so many different faces.

(P.s Hudson River Park is beautiful, it has coaxed me back to running so I don't just slob in bed when Sam goes for his run, its also lovely that its at the end of our street! 10/10 for apartment location, also very near to a busy and express subway line!)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

A photo for today

Kids at MTPAS will get this... Pay attention to your hands!!!

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So the 'Jetlag' began to set in last night around 9.30pm, (2.30amGMT) after a hectic day we retired to bed, watched a bit of Sex and the City (off course) and nodded off.

With the constant nnnneeeooooommm of the Hudson River Parkway quite near us, we obviously missed the knocks on the door...we hear the door open, we see the lights come on and a faint latin American, 'hello?!'.

Bolt upright, Sam lept out of bed and responded to the Hello's....it was our Landlords assistant (personally I think Gay Lover, but that can be discussed another time!) asking to borrow the mattress for the sofa bed...I assume, not realising we were in!

Our landlord...we have never met...spoken on the phone, text and emailed but never met (I would much prefer that to a faffing, always there, landlord) and we have been informed that 'Eddy' would be round to meet us sometime this week.

Well he has now met one of us (I was still in bed at this time, chuckling) , Sam in just his Mickey Mouse boxers, and no glasses/contact lenses...he's quite blind so Eddy obviously thinks he has a personal space problem going up to about 10inches of his face to see him!
Sam gave him the mattress, he was now rather embarrassed and muttering Sorry constantly as he returned downstairs!

Monday 26 September 2011

Apt 2b, west 98th street

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DAY 1 in NYC!!

So here is a picture of our 'Apartment" from the outside......

Looks good hey?! Now, once we both unpacked all four suitcases and stored them away so that our apartment is liveable, we decided to take a trip to Bath, Bed and Beyond to make it more homely and to put our touch on it....

Next on our list was to open up an american bank account so we can pay our rent out, this was a slight problem as you'd think you can walk into HSBC and open up an account but oh no you have to be a resident but fortunately the next bank we went to we opened up a "College Checking Account" with a free optional savings account. 

We got new mobiles for america use only....(however it seems like we've gone back 10years with the phones we have) lol!

And finally we went and got our food shop for the week at C-Town which was rather well researched by Rosina as we got a lot for the value of money.

Thanks for reading!!! More to come

Sam x

Sunday 25 September 2011

Were here!!!

Said goodbye at the airport, a few tears. No turning back now...

8 hour flight down with lots of eating and film watching very absent mindedly and nervous...

Arrived at the apartment...(photos tomorrow when we're unpacked!)

It's lovely! Thank god!

Happy now, can sleep in our NY home! Nite!

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Location:Hudson River Greenway,,United States

Take off

Bring on the next 7 hours and 28mins!

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Goodbye Islington, London, Hello Upper West Side, New York

In the car to the airport with Myra and Roger, said goodbye to our lovely Islington flat!

Very surreal at the moment, is this actually happening? Would have been far worse
having to say goodbye to each other - which was the original plan!!

Love you sammy <3

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Saturday 24 September 2011

Penultimate day in London Town!

Today we completely packed up the flat, all in boxes now with Post-Its everywhere ready for the parents to collect. The kitchen took the longest, we have the tiniest kitchen ever but somehow it held the most 'stuff'!

Went to the Breakfast Club in Hoxton for lunch, well more like breakfast, preparing our stomachs for the US portions, lashings of french toast, pancakes, bacon and banana! Then spent some precious hours, that went far too fast with Kate Hanna.

This blog post is for her,

'There once was a girl called Kate,
And she was a brilliant mate,
she's from the land of  Koala's
her 'tilts' make you holla, (oooh can we get away with that god-awful rhyme!?)
and there is always some cheese on her plate.

Gonna miss you, because of you, we know that; snakes don't just wander the streets in Australia, we know what a singlet is, London's ballet technique/flexibility is rubbish, fairy bread isn't just bread with wings, how to say 'a lego house' in a fake aussie accent, Snog is rather tasty, we can watch free online movies and finally that we will make sure we eat and sleep on the plane to NY rather than nearly passing out in Starbucks!

See you in NY, but were gonna stalk you for the rest of your life :) Hugs, snogs, loves xxxx

Friday 23 September 2011

The End of Day 3!

Wow what a day its been....Let's start from the beginning of the day.From the previous post as "Done. Thank Goodness" I patiently waited at the Bank for an advisor from 9.20 and left at 11.20, and I say patiently rightly as the other customers waiting alongside me were getting stroppy after a while, however I came out of the bank successful with a letter from the bank, (thank heavens or Rosina would have hung me alive) charmed my way through it with my youth, and she kept saying that it was against her policy of the bank but she felt compassionate for me and granted my request.

So that was the morning called for, this afternoon our mission was to load our Caxton Cards with some dollars for us to play with in our first week and once my new address was accepted (which actioned really quickly I have to add!) we were onto the next job- tackily the bedroom and storage cupboard (eek!) so we've managed to find even more ikea bags hidden away in our flat for our unwanted clothes (that we don't want to take to NY but don't want to throw away) packed up the decorative items and the "Chaplin Gang" ("Who are having a great chat in the wardrobe"-Rosina).

Here's to tomorrow, for our final day of packing and maybe a cheeky lunch out in Hoxton!!

Done. Thank goodness!

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3 days and SILLY SAM!!!

Money has been the biggest challenge in planning this trip...and oh no, it's not stopped yet.

Bank charges, wiring charges, commission charges added up so we decided to go with a Currency MasterCard. Perfect. However not when you set it up with an address that your moving out from.

I am currently waiting in
Angel outside Barclays for Sam whilst he attempts to get a letter with his home address on...oh wait no not his home...my MK home, just to confuse matters even more! The bank says he can order a statement and it arrive middle of next week...not much good when we need it now...the currency card won't allow money onto it until he has correlating address' (fair point really)...and we have one day of bank opening hours until we leave...it's minorly fraught here in London...never mind the fact that still notion in the house is packed or cleaned...!!!

No fear, seeing a "paul matthew international" set truck drive past to go to Saddlers Wells cheered me up!!

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4 days

Took a break today, went to ballet class and then to see "The Inbetweeners" with our bestie Kate E Hanna!

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So the packing began at 10am, today's task was to pack the clothes we wanted to take...

Where to start!!! We ended up packing and unpacking our three large planned cases five times, ending up with a pile the size of primark of clothes that originally made the cut and in the end ended up being ditched. After numerous tantrums by Rosina, a very aching back and knees after bending over for 10 hours, four cases were finally packed. Not overflowing of course for ease of wheeling (and also new York shopping :p).

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Tuesday 20 September 2011

6 days…the packing up of the flat begins

Watch Sooty moving house!

7 days...

Our last day in Milton Keynes, saying 'see you soon' to Domino was much harder than we had thought. Myra and Rog' are all trained up on Skype…so these last few days in the UK, texting is banned so we can get used to Skype!

We also had a little farewell gathering in London last night, an eclectic mix of our favourite friends, some  of them who are visitors to this country won't be here when we get back so were already planning a trip to Australia! Monty the Koala was introduced to the family too!

9 days...

Our Final classes at MTPAS, performances of everyones solo's see you all soon…


Sunday 11 September 2011

Remembering 9/11

10 years ago, getting off my school bus, the bus driver says to the 6th former in front of me 'Have you heard the terrible news'. I had no idea. Until I'd walked home, gone into the house and saw the hell unfold in front of me.

Reading stories and seeing documentaries always haunt me, I get choked up hearing peoples accounts, their bravery, the incredible unity, amazes me.

Today, marks two weeks to go for us and a massive change, and marking 10 years since a changed America.

One of my first sight seeing trips will be the memorial at Ground Zero, along with the 2,753 empty chairs in Bryant Park.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Paperwork arrival

Our Orientation week information has arrived and our first appointment with directors, October 3rd marks the start of our course and our 'freshers' week as an ISVP student. A few assessment classes, some meet-greets and a self defence class…!

Exciting times,
Class at 8am again will take some getting used to but sunrise over NY…that will be easy to get used to!