Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday 11 April 2012

The final blog...for a while.

So we are now checked into Los Angeles International Airport ready to begin the 10hour flight home to good old blighty.

This trip has been the most amazing experience of our lives, meeting and dancing with some of the worlds finest dancers, choreographers and teachers, living the life of a new Yorker, spending a relaxing 2 weeks in the bliss that is California with the very inspirational Joy and most of all spending 8months day in day out with each other!

Who knows what will come next, we are both lucky to be returning to jobs and a flat in London but we are already planning to save for more adventures, we now have friends all over the world and have fortunately or unfortunately got the bug for travelling. It won't be long until the states draws us back , probably for not so long, and teaching\performing draws us to places in Europe and far off places like Australian and Japan

One important thing that we have learned from the trip is the importance of understanding others cultures, climates and traditions, from those you can begin to understand our lifestyles and be inspired by others to succeed.

It the most important lesson that we have learned that we hope to spread around the UK, young dancers, teachers, older dancers, normal people, is the importance to keep learning and not settle for the normal. You should find the thing that scares you most and run towards it. That is the best form of success.

Whether we are flooded with dance jobs (highly unlikely due to this volatile and pathetic industry) or were not, the experiences we have had here accumulate to more skill and knowledge than many even hope for in the dance world. We have plans for the future and have placed are "eggs in far more than one basket" who knows what will happen but at least we can look back and say...."oh yeh We lived in the United States for over half a year"

Thanks for reading our blogs, I hope they have given you an insight into the lives of professional dancers who continue to strive to learn and develop their futures whatever route that it may lead us.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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