Daisypath Vacation tickers

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday 11 April 2012

The final blog...for a while.

So we are now checked into Los Angeles International Airport ready to begin the 10hour flight home to good old blighty.

This trip has been the most amazing experience of our lives, meeting and dancing with some of the worlds finest dancers, choreographers and teachers, living the life of a new Yorker, spending a relaxing 2 weeks in the bliss that is California with the very inspirational Joy and most of all spending 8months day in day out with each other!

Who knows what will come next, we are both lucky to be returning to jobs and a flat in London but we are already planning to save for more adventures, we now have friends all over the world and have fortunately or unfortunately got the bug for travelling. It won't be long until the states draws us back , probably for not so long, and teaching\performing draws us to places in Europe and far off places like Australian and Japan

One important thing that we have learned from the trip is the importance of understanding others cultures, climates and traditions, from those you can begin to understand our lifestyles and be inspired by others to succeed.

It the most important lesson that we have learned that we hope to spread around the UK, young dancers, teachers, older dancers, normal people, is the importance to keep learning and not settle for the normal. You should find the thing that scares you most and run towards it. That is the best form of success.

Whether we are flooded with dance jobs (highly unlikely due to this volatile and pathetic industry) or were not, the experiences we have had here accumulate to more skill and knowledge than many even hope for in the dance world. We have plans for the future and have placed are "eggs in far more than one basket" who knows what will happen but at least we can look back and say...."oh yeh We lived in the United States for over half a year"

Thanks for reading our blogs, I hope they have given you an insight into the lives of professional dancers who continue to strive to learn and develop their futures whatever route that it may lead us.

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Butter wouldn't melt!

Joy gave us some Jelly beans for our flight....Rosina put them in her handbag but didn't zip it up and left it on the bed! We return to find Corky enjoying some jelly beans...!

As if butter wouldn't melt!!

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It is raining in Califronia! To these people it's as rare as a sunny summers day in August for us! Basically America is just crying because it's our last day!

To brighten the morning we had a American breakfast at home, bacon, eggs, pancakes and syrup...mmmmmm!

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Tuesday 10 April 2012

Our final American Dinner!

Although we won't arrive home til Thursday, tomorrow dinner we will be on the plane, so we thought we'd celebrate in style and go to a full on American food place...Lucilles Bar-b-que...!

Joy and I shared a rack of Baby Back ribs...and Sam had his own...! We left the restaurant so full! Joys handbag also full with one of the jam jar classes they gave us soda in...a tradition we have taken from Rog! Funniest thing was when we had got to the car feeling slightly guilty yet surreptitious, the waiter came to the car with our travellers credit card that we'd left at the table...we all thought that he was coming to get us for the Glass!!!

We also saw our first skunk on the way home...failing miserably to get a photo!

Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Manhattan Beach!

We took our last class today at Edge, finishing around 4pm so Joy thought it would be a good idea to show us the famous beaches of Los Angeles!

First for us to drive through was Santa Monica, and then we headed to the famous Venice Beach Boardwalk, parked and had a wander!

A very strange place, similar to Brighton, Newquay with a bit of Coney Island. Venice Beach is known for its canalsbeaches and circus-like Ocean Front Walk, a two-and-a-half mile pedestrian-only promenade that features performers, fortune-tellers, artists, and vendors...also a lot of homeless, freaks, druggies and con artists! It was an experience, we can say we've been, but probably wouldn't return for a long period of time! It also has the famous Muscle Beach, this is an outdoor Gymnasium full of posing body builders! 

We then got back in the car drove through the fantastic neighbourhood, Marina Del Ray, with its boulevards named Tahiti Way, Bora Bora Street...all these far off exotic places alongside a massive Marina. We continued to Drive through the bird reserve, down into Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach (These are the quaint town names rather than just the beaches) before heading back to Redondo Beach.

The beaches in California are beautiful, something that will definitely make us return! 

Monday 9 April 2012


Nappytabs, I hear you say, what the hell are they!?

Nappytabs is a range of Urban Dancewear made by SYTYCD contestants Tabitha and Napoleon!
They are a massive trend here in the US and many of our friends who have been to LA have these and we felt that it was a must have, so Sam spent his birthday money on them...I just had to get some too! Perfect for Hiphop, stretchy enough for contemporary, and dressy enough to wear out too!

They've just started to ship internationally, so I see these being on Christmas lists of our young dancers and friends!

In and Out Burger

In-N-Out Burger is a regional chain of fast food restaurants with locations in the western United States. Founded in 1948. It is THE place to go for THE best hamburger in the states! We headed there tonight with Joy!

Definitely a thumbs up!

The smells of the city.

New York and LA's smells are similar to London. Petrol and diesel fumes, hot sweaty commuters, unwashed homeless people...all really rather grim.

However LA also has a fried food takeaway smell to it, there are more fast food eateries and drive throughs in California than we have ever seen in our life, these however are a way of life to the Americans here, resulting in obesity...but that's whole new story!

Another similarity is the smell of Marijuana...cannabis, weed, pot or skunk....that last one Skunk is what California smells of! At first we thought a lot of people must smoke this drug in the suburbs of LA (similar to NY) as the pungent smell surrounds the streets in the early evenings...but we were soon told by joy that that smell is actually Skunks!

Another animal in their wildlife which to us is just a character in films!

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Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Bunny arrived in Cali!

Easter is celebrated very similar here to the UK with egg hunts, (although there normal to have those on the beach) however Easter Eggs are slightly different. Kids get Easter baskets , full of toys, candy, chocolate etc.

You can buy these from the drug stores, Walgreens, Duane Reade, CVS similar to our Boots and Superdrug, which are styled for different ages with different themes or you can make them yourself which Joy did for her niece.

We woke up this morning to our own Easter Basket, (Minus the basket as she only had one for her niece!) but it was such a lovely surprise!

This is another tradition that we are going to bring back to the UK, Easter baskets for the kids! 

The Animals....

Thank goodness for Piriton Tablets, Rosina has just about controlled her allergies to Joys cats, although she's still pretty wheezy if we're in the house long periods of time! The animals are warming up to us at last, and do love some fuss and playing.

Corky can be an angel....

Or a devil..!

Bonnie loves to lay in the sun, but gets very obsessive over Joy and jealous of Corky, some claws and fur has flown between those too!

And Clyde (we have created a persona and accent for him, a northern whine) just sleeps all day and refuses to join in with the females antics!

Steve Zee for President!

Joy is pretty famous in the Hollywood Tap scene, has worked and danced with Tap greats through history and is a very good friend of Rosina's Godmother, Heather Rees. (Joy is featured in the book that Rosina aged 12 is also in, Rhythm in Your Feet).

Last night we headed to a Hollywood Jazz club to see one of Joys friends Tap shows, a cabaret act in this cosy bar. All the tap greats from L.A were there especially Jim Taylor, who is also in that book.

This show was a mixture of comedy, music and dance based upon the Presidential Election (big news over here), Steve Zee the tapper is acting that he is running for President throughout the show with political comedy and fabulous tap dancing. 

Check out this link for Steve Zee's campaign! http://www.stevezee.com/

Saturday 7 April 2012

A day at the Beach!

Although Sam has been running a lot down the beach, we havent really had time to go and relax down there, a lot of our time here has been spent travelling to and from the city, and class.

Today we headed down there for the day, just to top up the tans!

The sea is freezing however! 

The Wildlife!

Parrots in the trees on the way down to the beach...

Pelicans diving for Fish whilst sitting on the beach...

Dolphins playing out in the deep water by the rocks...

Just a normal day watching the wildlife of California!!

The Edge!

Although it may seem we've been holidaying...we have taken nearly 12 classes over these two weeks at the Edge and Millennium and we have just two left planned next week.

We have taken a selection of Commercial and contemporary classes, Rosina also took a ballet class. A lot of the teachers that the world aspire to attend there classes and follow their choreography closely we have been lucky enough to take, as well as some other amazing classes which we have been recommended and also some new up coming choreographers that have subbed some of the big teachers.

We have taken a couple of classes twice, one with the fabulous Adam Parson , who had visited London and taught for kinisi and amazingly recognised Rosina straight away. Such a lovely man and a great teacher. We also took Marlon Palayo yesterday, Rosina took this class when I did a Hiphop and going to his class again, she now has the nickname 'London'!

It is a different climate than we are used to dancing in the sunshine, however the rooms are well ventilated, and it is completely surreal dancing in a studio with the Hollywood sign in the distance out of the window!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

My Sandra Bullock

I think Rosina looks like young Sandra Bullock...especially when she's in The Proposal, so we found her star!

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Yesterday we visited Disneyworld California! It has two parks, Californian adventure and Disneyland and is a similar set up to the other parks, the one that we have been to in Paris. When we visited the Paris one it was New Year so it was nice to be in a warm climate for the park yesterday. Warm is an understatement, it was a very sunny summers day (although still on the chilly side to the residents!) we timed our day really well as we were inside waiting to see Mickey in his house whilst it was the strong midday sun.

We arrived at the park around 10.30am, we only bought a one park pass, however Joy purchased a park hopper as she was visiting her family in the alternate park to us. She joined us at the end of the day for the parades, dinner, the fantastic
Iightshow and of course the daily fireworks.

Sams first stop in the park was the Buzz Lightgear laser shooting ride, it was a small wait time, and we also were able to fast pass our tickets for Space mountain. We then headed over to Big Thunder Mountain railroad, where we queued for 45minutes, when we were right by the gate the ride malfunction and so we were turned away and told to come back later! All that ride did was improve our tans, but we were lucky to come back later on in the day, just as it reopened to be at the front of the line! We then headed over to Toontown to visit Mickeys house and also Minnie's,.

That was rather exciting!!

There is a big ride called Indiana Jones, the waiting time was 1hour and so we got in the queue, Sam noticed that there was a sign saying "single riders" can go to the front of the line. As adults who didn't really need to sit next to each other we thought this was a good opportunity to speed up the line process. We ended up on the same ride, just behind each other.

That ride was brilliant, a dark indoor roller coaster where you are seated in an Indiana jones jeep, trundling through the desert and insides of the hidden temple.

We then explored Tarzans treehouse and headed back over to Thundermountain railroad and got on finally, another great ride. We then had an hour and half to our fast pass time for space mountain, we took the full size steam boat around the lake And then queued up to see the princesses, feeling a little out of place without a 7year old girl dressed as a princess in tow Sam went to get some food. Once in with the princesses, (pochahuntus, princess tianna and belle), Sams flirtatious behaviour caused a stir with the very bored however brilliant actress princesses!

It was then time for our favourite ride, and the biggest of the park, space mountain, where you get shot in a rocket through the dark space with brilliant effects. We had been on this ride in Paris and so we looked forward to it again.

It was then time for the parade, so we met joy and found a perfect spot on a bench right by Main street and the castle. An excellent view of the vibrant parade themed with drums and musical instruments. (some rather fat aladdin dancers also came along, very strange as we're used to dancers being on the very thin side in the UK!)

A regular visitor to the park joy mentioned a couple of rides that we hadn't been on and we had time before the show that she wanted to see which was at 9pm. The first one was Pirates of the Caribbean, Joy was very good at concealing what this ride was about and so we strolled on in, to see lots of people in boats going through what looked like a lazy river, however I did see a sign saying 'beware you may be wet", although I just thought that was a precaution if you lent out the boats.. How wrong we were! The ride led the boats through a maze of lakes a rivers depicted extremely
Iifelike moving models and scenes of the movies, it was very dark and made to look like night, so you didn't see the steep waterfalls and rapids coming your way, they definitely took us by surprise! Disney do not do anything by half, they make every ride an experience, to see, hear and feel.

Joy then suggested we go on the Haunted house, having been taken by surprise on the last one, we were ready for what this had to throw at us! Again she kept very quiet about what it really involved, we all hopped into these little buggies and off we went around the mansion. Again the effects of the ghosts, dancing, moving pictures, mirrors which put ghosts inside your buggies with you were amazing! That was the last ride that we went on before getting some food before the show.

The show that we watched was over the lake, a very popular show so we secured a good spot with not long to go which was very lucky. The show is a laser, water and firework show which shows Mickey mouse and his imagination, thrown into jeopardy by the villains from Disney and then of course he wins through with his magic! There are many different cosutmed performers as well as the amazing light show that is projected onto the smoke and water rising from the lake. The cannonball full size pirate ship, travels past depicting peter pan and hooks sword fight, with performers walking planks, free falling on to huge mats, swingin backwards and forwards and of course the large ticking crocodile. The princesses and the beaus dance for Mickey on moving boat platforms and then the wicked witches take the stage, setting fire to the whole lake, an amazing feat! The audience of course are ahhhing and oohing, I have never seen effects like these, my mouth was wide open. (especially as being bought up in theatre a lot of things don't amaze me anymore as I've seen how there done from backstage!) It finished with Mickey slaying the 50ft dragon and a magnificent firework show, including the big steam boat with over 50 characters doing a routine with scarves. The final fireworks ignited and applause reigned, we headed over to main street then for the fireworks that happen everyday at 9.30pm....YES everyday!

Again the fireworks were more than spectacular, for about 15minutes, the park was a
Illuminated with lasers, magnificent fireworks and music, all choreographed flawlessly, each had a theme with a part of the park, narrated by Julie Andrews and of course it ended with tinkerbelle flying through the air, on a zip wire around the castle and a beautiful high and bright fireworks.

With what seemed like the rest of the park we then headed back up main street, out the exit, along Disney Downtown where we headed into the shop, bough a tshirt, a keying each and Rosina also got some Disney cooking utensils to go with the collection she has already. Sam also got a personalised woody sherif badge! We caught the tram back to the carpark and drove home! We all slept like babies last night, exhausted from all that fun!!!

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Location:Manhattan Beach Blvd,Redondo Beach,United States

Monday 2 April 2012

A coastal trip!

Yesterday Joy drove us along the coast, up into the hills, a place called Palos Verdes. We got some lunch and ate it on one of the cliffs over looking the Pacific ocean and Californian beaches.

It was spectacular.

We then headed right up to the top of the hill and found a completely glass church, what a wedding venue! Shame we're not American!

The weather is 22-26degrees, reasonably "chilly" for the locals, Joys getting used to us know, she gets confused why were wearing shorts even though it's still "cold" although to us...it's hotter than our summers!!!

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Sunday 1 April 2012

At the ballet!

Last night we went to the Sergrostrom centre for the arts in Orange county and watch ABT, American Ballet Theatre, a triple bill, including there new production of The Firebird.

The show was brilliant as expected , and what was most unusual to us was how the audience dressed up, we are so used to people in the uk at theatres wearing such casual attire it was a shock to see children wearing party dresses and tuxedos!! Was nice to see that the speciality of seeing a ballet and dressing up hasn't disappeared from the culture out here!

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